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Where can I find course syllabus?

You may find the course information at the course query system. For example, using the keyword to find the course. Then click the course name in the list and the system will show the course syllabus.

Are the same courses offered every semester?

No. Some courses are offered every semester, while some are offered once every year or every other year.

Can I take courses taught in Chinese?

Yes, if your Chinese competency meet the level taught in the courses and you get the approval from the Program Director, you are welcome to take courses taught in Chinese.

Could I apply for courses Not in the SHM courses list?

According to Paragraph 3, Article 2 of SHM Study Requirements for International Students Graduate: “With the approval (signing the course selection list) of the degree program director, graduate students may take up to 3 credit of courses offered by other departments and to be counted toward graduation credits.” If you would like to take courses offered by other departments, please submit the application form to the program office before the end of the adding/dropping course period. Click Here to download the form.

Do I have to take Chinese courses and may I waive the credits?

Yes, Chinese courses are required to graduate. If you have basic Chinese competency, you can apply for waiver. For more information about the waiver, please visit here.

The form for Mandarin course waiver is available here.

How can I apply for course waiver and when is the deadline?

Please bring the original transcript and submit the application form to the program coordinator to apply for course waiver. You can only waive credits once upon entrance within the given time period, which is the first two weeks of the admitted semester. No late applications will be accepted.

How many classes can I take in other departments on campus?

You are required to take 16 credits of required courses, 8 credits of elective courses, and additional 6 credits of thesis. For the 6 credits of elective courses, you are allowed to take courses from other departments with the Program Director's approval. If you would like to take courses in other deptartments on campus, please submit the courses offered by other dept. application form