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New Student Check-In

New Student Check-In


International Student Check-In is a mandated process that requires every international student to report to several administrative offices to complete the check-in process. Check-In should be completed as soon as possible after your arrival in Taiwan.



I. Check-In at Registration Section and Office of International Affairs

You are required to take student insurance and have your documents reviewed at these offices


II. Check-In at Dormitory

1. Students have to pay for the accommodation NTD$10,000 to 12,000 per semester. (Winter/Summer vacation are not included. If you would like to stay in the dorm during winter/summer vacation, please apply in advance.)

2. You will receive your room key and dorm card at the check in time.

3. To get ready for your room, you will need to bring a single mattress, comforters, sheets and a pillow. There are some shops close to the dormitory that you could get all the stuff. However, those shops would be closed before 10PM. If you plan to buy these items here, you will need to arrive earlier during the daytime.

4. Students are not required to pay water bill. However, all students must pay for the electricity bill and dormitory internet fee. (The actual electricity bill could vary based on you and your roommates’ usage and the internet fee is about NTD$500 per semester.)

5. Wireless service is available in every building at both Taipei and San Shia campus, EXCEPT dormitory area.

6. At the end of your stay, please make sure your room has been cleaned up before moving out and have your key and dorm card returned to the dorm counselors.


III. Check-In at the Program Office

The program office will give you an orientation about the Master Program in Smart Healthcare Management and International College of Sustainability Innovations. We will also set your study room access card after orientation.


IV. Pay your tuition

The tuition and miscellaneous fees , including dormitory fees, insurance coverage, computer fee, etc., could be paid after you arrive Taiwan and register at NTPU in cash.

***Please note that no more than NT$100,000 in notes can be brought in by each passenger unless a permit from the Central Bank of China is obtained in advance. For more information, please check Currency Restrictions


V. Course Selection

For more information about course selection, please check Here.


VI. Apply for ARC

Foreign nationals who have entered Taiwan on resident visas are required to apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) and a Re-entry Permit at the local service centers of the National Immigration Agency within 15 days, starting from the next day of their arrival. The length of stay is the same as the period stipulated in the ARC.


Foreign nationals who have entered the ROC on visitor visas but is later granted with resident visas should also apply for ARCs within 15 days after the issuance of their resident visas.


A foreign national who enters Taiwan with a resident visa or obtains a resident visa in Taiwan shall apply for an ARC within 15 days or the overdue penalty will range from NTD$ 2,000 to 10,000


1. Required documents:

    a. Fill out the application form online and print it out (https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw)

    b. A 2-inch color photo that is front-facing, above the waist, and without wearing a hat.

    c. Passport & Resident Visa (original & photocopy)

    d. Enrollment Certificate or Student ID with registration stamp

    e. Proof of residence in Taiwan

2. Application Fee: 

    a. One-year term: NT$1,000.

    b. Two-year term: NT$2,000.

    c. Three-year term: NT$3,000.

3. Location: National Immigration Agency (Service Center Location)

4. Submit one photocopy of ARC to the OIA.


Note: If your residence address gets changed in between your stay in Taiwan, you need to notify it to the ARC office and change the information in ARC. No fee is required for that.


VII. Open an Account

After you receive your ARC, you may go to a bank to open a bank account. 


VIII. Insurance

NTPU Student Safety Insurance

Upon your arrival, the Office of International Affairs will have you carried NTPU Student Safety Insurance. This is a compulsory insurance.


Commercial Insurance

Before you are eligible to apply for National Health Insurance, the Office of International Affairs will have you carried a commercial insurance.


National Health Insurance (NHI)

After holding ARCs for over 6 months, international students are obliged to carry National Health Insurance (NHI).


How to apply:

If you are applying for NHI for the first time, you should submit a copy of the ARC to the Office of International Affairs.


For more information, please visit Here.


Handbook for International Students