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Can I apply to more than one degree program at National Taipei University?

Yes, you may apply to multiple programs at National Taipei University. You must provide separate applications and supporting documents to each program. However, you may only be formally admitted to one National Taipei University program at a time. Therefore, if you currently hold an admission from one program on campus, you must decline that offer before you may receive admission from another.

Do you require an undergraduate degree in medicine or business?

No, there is no background limitation. Applicants without information technology, medicine, or business background are also encouraged to apply.

Does my educational background meet the minimum education requirements?

You must at least have the equivalent of a 4-year Taiwan Bachelor’s degree before we can consider you for admission to the SHM program. If you are uncertain about whether your academic background meets the minimum, please visit here.

If I am admitted, may I defer enrollment?

Admission to the SHM program is competitive. If you are given admission to the program, you may defer your enrollment up to 2 years once you apply to the program office and complete the process.

Is work experience required?

Professional work experience is recommended, not required. Applicants without work experiences are also encouraged to apply.

May I submit unofficial or non-certified copies of my transcripts and degree certificate?

You must scan your transcripts and degree certificates into the on-line application in order to be considered for admission. If admitted, you will then be required to submit original transcripts and degree certificates when you arrive on campus. All transcripts and certificates must be authenticated by a ROC embassy, consulate, representative office or other agencies authorized by the Ministry or Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Taiwan, ROC.