
Speech-The Spanish national health system, a social model. Past, present and future

What is your impression for Spain?


Except for its various beautiful architectures, long existed history and exciting bullfights,

it has a national health system, which would be closer to our daily life.


We sincerely invite you to join "The Spanish national health system, a social model.  Past, present and future," the speech by Dr. Álvaro Pons-Fuster López, the associate professor in the department of Oral Surgery in the English degree, UCAM (Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia).


Date & Time: 13:30-15:00, Oct. 25.

Venue: 2F Brainstorming Corner, NTPU Library

Capacity: 60 people maximum

Register via the QR-code on the poster or the link below.


Let's explore the world together!


*For the early registered participants, free meal boxes would be available after the speech.